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Q Where are the Cavendish Imaging scanning centres?
A Cavendish Imaging has scanning centres in London, Oxford and Birmingham. Click on the link on the right for full contact details.
Q Do I need an appointment?
A Our scanning centres in London and Birmingham operate a walk-in service. This means that you do not need to call us to book a specific time for your examination. Our opening hours in London and Birmingham are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Our scanning centre in Oxford operates a booking system. Please contact us to make an appointment.
Q How long will I have to wait?
A You will be seen in order of arrival in our London and Birmingham centres. The wait is usually less than 15 minutes. If we forecast that it will take us longer than this to see you, we will inform you and give you a better estimate of the wait. Please note that Monday mornings are usually busier than other times of the week.
Q Can we claim back from insurance companies?
A Cavendish Imaging is registered with most UK insurance companies. If your insurance covers the whole examination, you will not need to pay anything on the day of your examination as we will claim these costs from your insurance directly. You just need to bring your insurance membership and authorisation number. We will do the rest!
Q What is the use of a dental, maxillofacial or head&neck CT scan to my referrer?
A The CT scan gives referrers detailed two-dimensional and three -dimensional images of the anatomy of interest. The referrers use them in conjunction with their clinical examinations and medical notes to inform their clinical decisions and assessments related to diagnosis and treatment.
Q Is a CT scan different from conventional X-rays?
A Routine x-rays are two-dimensional. These x-rays are often distorted, and they cannot depict the thickness of your bone. A CT Scan, on the other hand, illustrates the actual make-up of the bone and provides three-dimensional and cross-sectional views of the anatomy. In this sense, it gives a lot more than conventional x-rays, hence helping the referrer prepare better for treatment or surgery.
Q What will happen to me during the scan?
A You do not need to prepare for the CT scan. You may be asked to remove any jewellery from your head and neck, so that it does not interfere with the study. Once in the examination room, all that you have to do is to sit on the CT chair. Your head will be comfortably cushioned on a padded cradle and a Velcro strap will hold your head: it is important that you remain very still during the scan to have as clear pictures as possible. The radiographer will explain each stage before it happens. You will not feel anything. There is no contra indication for patients with pace makers with respect to the x-ray procedure. Female patients should tell the radiographer if they are likely to be pregnant.
Q When will my referrer get the results?
A After the scan the radiographer will send the data to your referrer or to the radiologist. You can also get a copy of the scan if you wish.
Q What about the radiation aspects?
A We are constantly working with our staff to ensure that the protocol we use, i.e. the set-up of the scanner, keeps radiation dose to a minimum. The radiation dose received varies from patient to patient but is typically in the range of 1 to 50 microSv. To put this in perspective, everyone in the UK receives about 2.2 mSv annually from natural background radiation, so a CT scan corresponds to less than an additional 8 days of background radiation.
Q How much will it cost?
A Your referring practitioner will discuss pricing with you prior to your scan, as this will be determined by the complexity of their treatment plan.
Q Where are the Cavendish Imaging scanning centres?
A Cavendish Imaging has scanning centres in London, Oxford and Birmingham. Our Contact Us pages also have full details of wheelchair access.
Q Do you have patient information in other languages than English?

We will consider producing information in more languages in the future depending on our patients' needs. Please use our feedback page to tell us about your language needs.

We also encourgae patients to be accompanied by a friend or relative who can interpret our explanations and the patients' questions. If needed, the help of an interpreter can be outsourced. Please contact us prior to your visit for this.