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Anatomical models are precise three-dimensional replicas of an imaged area, derived from CBCT data. No software is required, and they are easier to visualise and plan with than image data.

Anatomical models are an invaluable aid to visualising the region of interest at the time of surgery or when planning or discussing treatment options with colleagues or patients, without being tied to a computer monitor. They give you so much more information before you even enter the operating theatre and are often used to simulate surgery as it is possible to drill and cut into the models.

The models allow fractures to be visualised and physically reconstructed piece by piece and osteotomies to be carefully planned and guided with cutting templates. Fixation plates can pre-bent and guided into position. All this has the potential to offer less invasive surgery, a reduced risk of infection, more accurate surgery and a saving in theatre time. 

Our anatomical models are widely used by key opinion leaderins in most of the Orthopaedic disciplines such as in cases involving a knee, pelvis, spine, shoulder, hand and foot. We offer high-resolution resin, laser sintered autoclavable nylon, and resin-infiltrated plaster models. Plaster models are also available in colour to distinguish structures such as teeth, nerves, grafts, implants.